Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Ohio DL Schools

I like that Ohio Connections Academy, ECOT, and VCS of Ohio provide free computers and internet service. I honestly think this is a huge benefit to assist in online learning. I liked Ohio Connections Academy’s website the best, as well as what they seemed to be offering. I’m going to be honest though, my opinions were also greatly swayed by the setup and organization of each website. Besides OCA, ECOT, and Ohio Virtual Academy had the most attractive, straightforward websites, however, OCA had the most details and explanations given. I didn’t like that OVA makes you contact them in order to receive more information as that is inconvenient. It also was hugely lacking in any details on what their school is actually about, or how it’s run.

If I had to choose a school for my son to go to based on what information I was able to see from these websites, I would choose to send him to Ohio Connections Academy. I like the fact that the tuition is free (although most seemed to offer this benefit), and that they had a free computer and internet reimbursement. I also thought it was good that each class provided supplies to the student if necessary. The website for this school was set up in a way that seemed to reassure visitors that they are a legitimate school that cares dearly for the students, in spite of it being online, The main issue I had with homeschooling, although I definitely want to do it in the early years, is the lack of social interaction, I was afraid that if I home schooled my children, or had them at an online school, they would be lacking in social skills, and the experience of being in a classroom setting. Those worries seemed to vanish as I watched videos and read students’ and parents’ testimonials about the school. Of course I cannot tell by this short survey of a couple websites which school is actually best, but it is necessary for an online school to have an organized, attractive, detailed, yet simple website, and OCA offered this to me.

The one school I could tell I wouldn’t send my children to is Virtual School House. There is really one main reason for this: location. From what I could tell, the students would have to physically attend the school, which although I have no problem sending them to school, the building is located more than 2 hours away. I also couldn’t really get a good idea of how the school is set up. The website was lacking in detail, which is very important for a virtual school. Also They seemed too focused on using technology to learn for a school that is a face to face experience. I do know the advantages that computers and other learning technology have for students, however I think kids spend too much time as it is looking at a screen. If I were to send my kids to a school rather than having them be home schooled, they need to focus on what I think is the most important aspect of sending kids to school: human interactions. I wouldn’t want them there staring at a screen all day, only to come home and stare at a screen even longer while doing homework or relaxing. I do like that the school offers blended courses similar to what is offered in universities, although I never really liked blended courses, I can see the benefit.

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